Release old trauma, naturally

The effects of trauma can live in the mind and body for many years after the original events. Sometimes it’s obvious that what happened was traumatic to us, and other times the harmful events were more subtle to us or those taking care of us.

We often learn to work around the effects of trauma by compartmentalizing our feelings. Or we develop any number of other protective strategies that end up limiting the range of our life. Over time, the effects of unhealed trauma can take the form of anxiety, depression, self-sabotage, shame, self-medication or frustrating relationship patterns – just to name a few.

You’re not crazy, and you’re not overreacting. We’re here to help you heal and grow no matter what happened in the past, and we’ll work with you personally and holistically to find the way forward that’s best for you.

So many of our clients are amazed at how different they can feel after effective trauma healing. The work doesn’t have to be dark and heavy, and you don’t need to feel overwhelmed in our sessions. We’ll guide you through moments of intensity and help you learn how to find your footing while sorting through difficult experiences – with much more ease.

We’ll take it one step at a time and work with the pace your system needs so that you can soon experience the freedom in your mind and body beyond the effects of trauma. 

Types Of Trauma We Help With

PTSD & Complex PTSD

Accidents & dangerous events

Verbal, physical, emotional & sexual abuse

Physical & emotional neglect

Family addiction & mental health issues

Spiritual/religious trauma

Medical trauma

Birth trauma & pregnancy loss 

Suicide, traumatic loss & grief 

Healthcare & first responder trauma

Military & combat trauma

“Trauma is not what happens to you. It’s what happens inside of you as a result of what happened to you.”

– Gabor Mate

Advanced trauma therapies

Your mental health is unique. Therapy for healing your trauma responses should be, too. 

We offer several gentle, evidence-based approaches to help you rewire your mind and body following difficult life experiences. 

Holistic Talk Therapy

Gently ease into processing your past experiences with an experienced trauma therapist. Learn helpful skills to steady yourself and translate insights into change.


A gentle, highly effective therapy to rewire and heal trauma symptoms and catalyze long-term change. EMDR harnesses the brain’s ability to generalize new healing patterns, so you don’t have to revisit every event in order to heal their effects. 

Ketamine therapy

Combining ketamine with psychotherapy can assist with healing trauma and treatment resistant trauma symptoms for many. Among other benefits, ketamine can help increase capacity to revisit difficult events and feelings.


Discover alternative ways to work more mindfully with difficult trauma symptoms using IFS parts work.

Somatic Therapy

Gently restore a balanced nervous system by reconnecting with the feedback of the body in a supportive environment.

Explore Therapists

Your mental health is unique. Therapy for healing your trauma responses should be, too.

We offer several gentle, evidence-based approaches to help you rewire your mind and body following difficult life experiences.

Stephanie Adams-Rodriguez, LPC

Individual, Couples and Family Therapy

Abigail Harmon, LPCA

Individual and Couples Therapy
Men and Women and Teens Age 13+

Brooke Hill, LPC

Owner of Renew Therapy Group
Helping Men & Women ages 20+

Lisa Annan, PhD LPC

Individual, Couples & Family Therapy
Men, Women & Teens 16+ 

Mandy Duff, LMFTA

Individual and Couples Therapy
Men, Women & Teens 16+

Genuine healing is possible

Working hard to avoid being overwhelmed is no way to live.

Reach out today to begin a path for radically changing the effects of trauma in your mind and body.

Schedule A Free Discovery Call

Set up a free 10-15 min phone call to ask us your questions and learn which of our therapists we recommend for you.

Book your appointment

Ready to get started? View our therapists’ live schedules and book your first appointment now. Schedule your first therapy 

Explore Our Therapists

Explore the types of therapy we offer for a wide range of concerns. We’ll guide you with personal recommendations about what approaches best fit you and your needs. Give us a call if you’d like help making a selection.

Contact Us Today To Get Started

You can handle this.

Reach out for a helping hand to find a new way forward.